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JI Features in Jeducation World

Ji features in Jeducation World (eJewishPhilanthropy)

By Ji Team | | 0 Comments | 07 November, 2016

Teaching Juadism in non-Jewish schools just got exciting, with the launch of a collection of top-quality educaitonal apps. Interact With Judaism is the culmination of a collaboration between RE:ONLINE – the one-stop shop for religious education resources for teachers – and Jewish Interactive; a non-profit charity which uses educational technology to create accessible, affordable and engaging Jewish education for any child, anywhere.

The project – a year in the making – includes eight apps, which together provide any RE teacher with a broad and all-encompassing resource in order to teach any child about Judaism in a fun and attractive way.

Aimed at primary school aged children, the apps include Mitzvah Hunt, which encourages children to look for the good in others, Sukkah Challenge, where children earn shekels by exploring the original blueprints of the Torah texts and Ji Connect, where users are transported around the world to look at their synagogues, history and customs.

With RE:ONLINE at the forefront of new models of RE learning, the team approached Jewish Interactive to adapt their apps having been impressed by their work within the Jewish education sector. Aided by the Pears Foundation, Interact With Judaism offers the most innovative and creative complete Jewish educational resource ever available.

It has been a welcomed new challenge for the team at Jewish Interactive, who until now have focused primarily on Jewish students in Jewish schools.

“In partnering with RE:ONLINE we are providing quality interactive learning about our religion to people of all faiths, in any setting, anywhere,” explains CEO Chana Kanzen.

“Technology is a tool that can break down barriers and we are proud to be leading the way for other faith groups to follow; providing accessible knowledge about Judaism in an enjoyable and appealing way.”

And the benefits of such a resource are already being felt in the wider educational sphere.

“The partnership with RE:ONLINE has had a significant impact on extending good quality education about Judaism to the wider world,” concludes Sandra Teacher, RE specialist and assessor for the RE quality mark.

“It is a stimulating and exciting resource, which brings alive the authentic voice of British Jewry for every child in every school to see.”

Ji Team

Written by Ji Team

Jewish Interactive (Ji) uses educational technology to create accessible, affordable and engaging Jewish education for any child, anywhere.

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