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Unlocking All Levels With Reading Basics

Hebrew literacy is the gift that keeps on giving. Whether for cultural, modern language or to read texts in their original form, the acquisition of Hebrew—reading, writing and even speaking—is almost inseparable from Jewish heritage.

Nobody wakes up with the ability to read… and of all the rites of passage, this is one learning process that has been through so many pedagogical models and innovation. It’s 2021, it can’t be too much to ask that at this point, the maximum amount of children should be getting through this as painlessly as possible?

Thinking about the Ji Hebrew reading levels, we’ve got Level 1 that familiarizes your child with the cutesy letters they’ll be using to read and write, and then it picks apart confusing letter issues that look or sound similar.

Then there’s Level 2. The next level stuff; the programming still retains its holistic approach and goes further by making a start on actual words and then phrases in everyday Hebrew conversation that happen to contain those letters. The instructional apps move swiftly onto gendered verbs in early-reader scenarios where there are two to four words per page. This maximizes letter recognition, language acquisition and, well, here’s a nice Hebrew word for you: Shlifa שליפה or Shlifat milim aka word recall.

Your child can move answers around a board, acquaint themselves with three words in a context and then have it repeated and highlighted in book format. Just like our English reader books, it’s repetition, repetition, and repetition in a very good location. The contexts are simple to understand and the child advances, with Kivi as their animated guide. He leads the child app user through a clever sequence of easy reading opportunities, soundboards, videos, and puzzles in twenty different steps just for bet and vet alone!

The pronunciation is of course modelled beautifully, that resh is rolled like a pro and users can get comfortable with Hebrew instructions and compliments. They’ll get instructions like bo’u namshich and bo’u nesaper; let’s continue and let’s talk/tell (a story) and after an activity there’s metzuyan or tov me’od—excellent and very good.

Downloadable educator guide and flashcards are available for home learners and teachers. The child can progress at their own pace and be the champions of their own rosetta stepping stones, a multi-discipline-mini-ulpan in the comfort of your own home.

Unlocked Level 1? Got your certificate? Get to Level 2. Don’t forget to celebrate each letter and level; spreading honey on digital letters won’t work but a milkshake to mark milestones can definitely work for all.

Play Hebrew Reading Stage 2

Learn More About Hebrew Reading Stage 2

Rifki Orzech

Written by Rifki Orzech

Rifki Orzech is an olah, a mother of three and a content writer with five years’ experience. She is passionate about women learning Torah and has completed the Susi Bradfield Educational Leadership Programme for Jewish women at the London School of Jewish Studies.

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