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Are we obligated to recite Brachot - Blessings?

By Sammy Morhaim | brachot | 0 Comments | 20 December, 2018

In Deuteronomy 10:12, Moses tells the Jewish people: "What (mah) does God ask of you?" The Talmud (Menachot 43b) explains that the word mah can be read as me'ah, meaning 100. In other words, God obligates us to recite (at least) 100 brachot (blessings) every day.

It’s funny to be obligated to make blessings - surely we would make blessings when we feel blessed?

The reality is that making blessings over foods and experiences reminds us that we are indeed very blessed.

Thinking about where our food comes from and all the other wonders of the world can help us to connect to G-d and remember just how ‘blessed’ we are by His immeasurable benevolence. 

When I set out on creating the Brachot serieson on Ji Tap, my goal was to help students and children engage with the text of each blessing to gain a greater understanding of what they mean. When we understand the words, the brachot we say every day fulfill the intention of the obligation, to see blessing and to feel blessed.

6 Food Brachot

Sir Moses Montefiore had his own coat of arms, and on it reads 'Think and Thank'. Blessings are there for us to think and to thank. The more we think about what we have and where it comes from, the more appreciation we will  have and the happier we will be. The interactions in these Ji Tap games make this Brachot series a real gem and a truly fun way to learn about brachot. 

Try out our Brachot series on Ji Tap and learn not just about the Brachot we say but about how grateful we have to be for everything that we have! 

Play this Brachot Series

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Sammy Morhaim

Written by Sammy Morhaim

Sammy Morhaim is the UK and European manager of Jewish Interactive. Sammy was recently Head of Jewish Studies at the King David School Manchester, an outstanding school, where he also led training on using iPads in education. An innovative and energetic Jewish educator, his passion is in keeping Judaism relevant and he often lectures on the subject. He is an expert in combining educational pedagogy with technology and has developed many digital games for Jewish learning. He has had practical experience implementing technology in his classroom and in many other school settings. Sammy has two BA degrees, in Humanities and Education respectively and he is a Qualified Teacher. Sammy studied in Yeshivot Ohr Sameach, Kerem B'Yavneh and Aish HaTorah.

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