Our sages wrote, “When the month of Adar begins, we increase our joy.” This is because the month of Adar, which begins February 16, includes the festive and joyous holiday of Purim. While ancient...
Keeping our children safe is at the top of our priority list. As responsible parents, we keep tabs on where they go, who they see and generally what they are up to day-to-day. However, many parents...
Our children are using Internet of Things (IoT) devices to not only communicate with each other, but to study and learn about the world around them. Therefore it is imperative for parents and...
While everyone is familiar with the primary Jewish New Year of Rosh Hashanah, many don’t know that the Jewish calendar has a second year called the New Year of Trees. This minor holiday, which falls...
While everyone is familiar with the Jewish New Year of Rosh Hashanah, many do not know that Judaism has a minor new year called Tu Bishvat or the 15th of the Hebrew month of Shvat. This year, Tu...
Jewish Interactive is bringing the Hebrew language alive, as never before, through new and exciting ways with innovative technologies, exciting games and story-lines. Ji Alef-Bet allows children...
Children use smartphone apps for everything from Instagram to Snapchat and of course Candy Crush Saga, but now they can add learning and reading Hebrew to their favourite genre of app games. Jewish...
With Chanukah falling out during the holidays, there is no better time for parents to take an active role in their children’s Jewish education. Just as general learning continues to move from print...
There is no better time than Chanukah to learn and read Hebrew together with your children. In honour of the magical eight-day holiday of light, our sages of yore left us with beautiful blessings,...
When we are already trying to fit too many things into our over scheduled days, sometimes we just have to admit that we can’t.